Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa Anna Biography

Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón was born Febuary 21, 1794 and died June 21, 1876. He was the President of Mexico during the Mexican American War and was a general during the Texas War of Independence. He started his military career at the age of sixteen and was an infantryman for the Mexican Army. Santa Anna also joined the Spainish Colonial Army to fight against the Mexican nationalists during the Mexican War ifIndependence. Santa Anna and his comrades were ruthless to the nationalists and this affected his opinion of the Texan nationalists later. Santa Anna Later swiched sides and drove the Spainish away in order to gain the loyalty of the Mexican people. Somethime during his presidency he was exiled to the United States but came back. During the Mexican American war he stepped down from power several times until he lost the war.

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